Starting Point

A Vision for the Future, January 2023.

BIMON leads the pack in BIM and Digital Twin technologies, yet their brand identity hadn't kept pace with their innovation.
Their website failed to mirror the company's ambitions and achievements, becoming a digital relic rather than a digital asset.
Social media presence was misaligned with BIMON's vision, lacking the coherence needed to broadcast their groundbreaking solutions.

Our mission was to revamp BIMON's image and digital footprint to mirror its market leadership and innovative edge. We aimed to:

  • Rejuvenate BIMON's brand identity to reflect the cutting-edge nature of their work.
  • Overhaul the website for an immersive user experience that narrates the brand's story and showcases its achievements.
  • Harmonize social media communication to amplify BIMON's renewed brand voice and engage with the industry community.

Our solution

We initiated a creative overhaul, sculpting a new brand identity that resonates with both the heart of innovation and the core values of BIMON. The process involved:

  • Designing a fresh, modern brand identity that symbolizes BIMON's digital DNA.
  • Building a state-of-the-art website with intuitive navigation and interactive elements, turning visits into experiences.
  • Streamlining social media strategy to echo the renewed brand ethos, ensuring every tweet, post, and share spoke BIMON's language.

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Final Results

Our collaborative efforts with BIMON resulted in:

  • A revitalized brand identity that's as dynamic as the industry it leads.
  • A website transformation that saw user engagement soar, becoming a central hub for industry innovation.
  • A unified social media narrative that grew followership and positioned BIMON as the go-to voice for industry insights.
  • Recognition as the digital architects behind some of the most efficient and sustainable building life-cycles in the industry.

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